Victori-A's Model A Ford Club
Upcoming Tours
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Highlights of previous tours
The Victori A's is a chapter of the Model A Ford Club of America, Inc., (MAFCA) a national historical society dedicated to the restoration and preservation of the Model A Ford automobile as manufactured from 1928 through 1931. The club is based in Victoria, Texas and has members from all areas of Southwest Texas. We enjoy monthly meetings, tours, workshops, and social get- togethers. Guests and new members are always welcome. Please refer to our Contact Us page to find more information on meetings and memberships. To find out more detailed information, our newsletter "The Steering Wheel" is a great resource for our club with a schedule of events and interesting articles written by club members. Please use the link "The Steering Wheel" to read the club's latest newsletter.
National Model A Ford Organizations
Texas Model A Ford Club Websites
Heading 2
Meetings - Second Monday
See newsletter for meeting place
Casa Jalisco
1706 N Laurent Street
Victoria, Texas​​
President Ron Albert
(956) 378-1740